CGC's 2024 Round of Microgrants is now Open!

The Colorado Grain Chain (CGC), a nonprofit organization that seeks to grow and connect a vibrant community-centered grain economy in the state of Colorado, is excited to announce a new round of Microgrant funding available to stakeholders in the Colorado organic grain chain. 
Although grains make up an average of 30-50% of dietary intake, the organic grain market for human consumption is relatively limited, with little emphasis on local sourcing. Since the inception of the CGC in 2019, our nonprofit’s mission has been to grow and connect a community-centered grain economy in our state. This work involves connecting our membership base of 50+ Business and Consumer Members to educational and marketing resources, partners, and technical assistance. CGC’s membership base ranges from farmers, processors (millers and maltsters), to artisanal makers (bakers, brewers, distillers, chefs), food hubs, and institutions. 

In January 2024, we received an Organic Market Development Grant (OMDG) through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In our three-year project proposal, we planned to distribute six $5,000 Microgrants each year and focus on different parts of the Colorado organic grain supply chain. With this funding, the CGC is working to enhance market opportunities for producers, processors, and value-added product makers of organic grains for human consumption. 

This year we will focus on the middle part of the supply chain, which is the part of the process that falls after harvest but before retail. Qualified applicants might be involved in aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storage, transportation, or distribution. Anyone who malts, mills, stores, cleans, or otherwise processes organic grains in Colorado is eligible as well as food hubs and distributors. 

Through analysis of the grain supply chain and conversations with Colorado grain stakeholders, we’ve determined that the primary issues to address in working to make organic grains more accessible are currently storage, marketing, and distribution. We’d love to have your business apply for a CGC Microgrant - please visit our Colorado Organic Grains Microgrant Program page for more details to apply.  
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